• 姓名:孟翔
  • 职称:副研究员
  • 联系方式:mengx@giz.gd.cn
  • 导师类型:硕导
  • 所属中心:环境昆虫研究中心
  主要从事岭南特色柑橘和荔枝病虫害绿色防控技术基础与应用研究。主持国家青年科学基金项目,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,省科技计划项目,省农业厅乡村振兴战略专项,广州市珠江科技新星项目等12项,参与国内外各级科研项目研究20余项。已发表学术论文30余篇。其中,以第一作者或通讯作者发表文章16篇(SCI收录8篇),国内外学术会议论文12篇;申请国家发明专利8件(授权6件),实用新型专利1件。2015年入选“广州市珠江科技新星”和“广东省科学院优秀青年科技人才”。 2018年赴美国加州大学戴维斯分校访学交流。

  1. Meng X, Hu JJ, Li YH, Dai JQ, Ouyang GC. Screening for effective odors through which Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) locates its host. Chemoecology, 2021, 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00049-021-00353-5. 
  2. Meng X, Hu JJ, Plant RE, Carpenter TE, Carey JR. Distinctive egg-laying patterns in terminal versus non-terminal periods in three fruit fly species, Experimental Gerontology, 2021, 145(3), 111201.
  3. Meng X, Hu JJ, Li YH, Dai JQ, Guo MF, Ouyang GC. The preference choices of Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley (Lepidoptera: Gracilariidae) for litchi based on its host surface characteristics and volatiles. Scirntific Reports. 2018, 8(1):1-8. 
  4. Meng X, Hu JJ, Ouyang GC. The isolation and identification of pathogenic fungi from Tessaratoma papillosa Drury (Hemiptera: Tessaratomidae). PeerJ. 2017, 5:e3888. 
  5. Meng X, Li LM, Gao G, Jin FL, Ren SX. The gene expression of the protein SLAWD, mediating the toxic effect of destruxin A on Spodoptera litura larvae, in procaryotic cells: purification and characterization. Molecular Biology. 2014, 48 (6): 795 - 801. 
  6. Meng X, Ouyang GC, Liu H, Hou BH, Huang SS, Guo MF. Molecular identification of the key predators of Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley (Lepidoptera: Gracilariidae) in litchi orchards. Bulletin of Entomological Research. 2014, 104(2):243 - 250. 
  7. Meng X, Hu JJ, Xu XX, Wang ZQ, Hu QB, Jin FL, Ren SX. Toxic Effect of Destruxin A on Abnormal Wing Disc-Like (SLAWD) in Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). PLoS ONE. 2013, 8(2):57213.
  8. Meng X, Xu XX, Hu JJ, Jin FL, Hu QB, Sun Q, Yu XX, Ren SX*. Toxicity and Differential Protein Analysis following Destruxin A Treatment of Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) SL-1 cells. Toxicon. 2011, 58 (4): 327-335. 
  9. Ouyang GC, Fang XD, Lu HL, Zhou X, Meng X, Yu SK, Guo MF, Xia YL. Repellency of five mineral oils against Diaphorina Citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae). Florida Entomologist. 2013. 96 (3): 974 - 982. 
  10. Hou BH, Ouyang GC*, Xiao FL, Lu YY, Zhang ZG, Tian J, Meng X, Xia Y. Field evaluation of eight attractant traps for Bactrocera minax (Diptera: Tephritidae) in a navel orange orchard in China. Florida Entomologist, 2018, 101(2): 260-264.
  11.Hou BH, Tang H, Li JL, Meng X, Ouyang GC. Susceptibility of Selected Tea Shoots to Oviposition by Empoasca onukii (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and Feasibility of Egg Removal with Harvesting. Insects, 2020, (11):338.
  12. 孟翔,胡俊杰,李艳华,欧阳革成. 基于转录组数据的荔枝蒂蛀虫SSR位点信息分析. 环境昆虫学报. 2017. 39(6): 1219 -1224. 
  13. 孟翔,胡俊杰,刘慧,欧阳革成,郭明昉. 荔枝蒂蛀虫转录组及嗅觉相关基因分析. 昆虫学报. 2016. 59(8): 823–830. 
  14. 孟翔,欧阳革成,刘慧,黄寿山,郭明昉. 广州荔枝园节肢动物群落多样性及时空动态. 应用昆虫学报. 2015. 52(4): 1023 - 1031. 
  15. 孟翔,欧阳革成,方小端,卢慧林,郭明昉. 基于柑橘木虱COⅠ基因的捕食性天敌的捕食作用评估.生态学报.2013.33(23): 7430 -7436. 
  16. 孟翔,胡俊杰,冀卫荣,刘贤谦. 万寿菊根乙酸乙酯粗提物对枣缩果病的抑菌稳定性研究.植物保护.2013, 39(2): 72-76.
  17.孟翔,胡俊杰,金丰良,任顺祥. 绿僵菌素A和B对SL-1细胞的增殖抑制和致凋亡作用. 昆虫学报. 2011. 54 (9): 1003 -1009.
  18.孟翔, 刘贤谦, 胡俊杰, 王琼. 万寿菊根不同溶剂提取物对枣缩果病病原菌抑菌活性研究. 山西农业大学学报(自然科学版). 2008, 28 (3):283-286. 
  1 孟翔,欧阳革成.一种荔枝蒂蛀虫植物源引诱剂及其防治方法. 专利号:ZL2019 10672474.5;授权公告日:2021.06.29.
  2 孟翔,郭明昉,欧阳革成,刘慧.荔枝蒂蛀虫特异性分子标记DNA序列、鉴别引物和试剂盒. 专利号:ZL 201310180795.4;授权公告日:2014.12.10.
  3 孟翔,欧阳革成,郭明昉,方小端,卢慧林.柑橘木虱特异性分子标记DNA 序列及其鉴别方法. 专利号:ZL 201210398154.1 授权公告日:2013.12.18.
  4 方小端,欧阳革成,郭明昉,卢慧林,孟翔,宁志远,刘慧,吴伟南. 一种以捕食螨为基础的柑桔害虫生态控制方法.专利号: ZL 201410502987.7;授权公告日: 2017.01.04
  5 欧阳革成、于丽辰、卢慧林、方小端、贺丽敏、侯柏华、孟翔、李立涛、韩诗畴.中华甲虫蒲螨在防治红火蚁中的应用和防治红火蚁的方法. 专利号:ZL 201610675243.4;授权公告日:2019.12.06
  6 欧阳革成,侯柏华,卢慧林,方小端,孟翔. 一种可有效驱避柑橘大实蝇雌成虫的药剂及其效应. 专利号:ZL201710695488.8; 授权公告日:2020.05.26
